Chinese Herbal Hair Growing Tonic中藥草本生髮水

Ingredients: Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit, Astragalus root, Ligustrum seed, Fallopia multiflora, etc.

Indications: Accelerate blood circulation of scalp, promote hair growth, improve hair loss and whitening problems.

Directions: Spray on the scalp and gently massage twice daily.

WARNING: External use only. Avoid eye area.

*The photo above is simply for reference, the real size of the object is final.



成份: 破固紙、黃芪、女貞子、何首烏、桑寄生、黃酒等。

功效: 效促進頭皮血液迴圈,促進頭髮生長,改善脫髮及白髮問題。

用法: 每日1~2次,將小量藥水噴在頭皮上,輕輕按摩,毋須沖洗。



$100.00 -